Residential Turf Recommendations

Healthy Lawns:

  • Improve your soil; improve your turf.
  • 1 cubic yard compost per 200 sq. ft. helps establish strong healthy turf.
  • Healthy turf outcompetes weeds, requires less water, and performs better in the challenging midwest climate.

Dead Patches

  • Mix 2 pounds of grass seed with 1/3 a cubic yard of Classic Compost, patch at 1⁄4 inch

  • “6 days… that’s how long it took to see 1″ germination of fescue on my bare spots that were seeded, top dressed and watered (daily)…sure beat my expectations!”
    -Tracy Morland, Morland Landscape Resource, LLC

Fall Overseeding: (See examples below)

Professionals know aeration, overseeding and Purple Cow in the fall means lush healthy turf next spring. Whether you have a sports field, front lawn, park or parkway strip, seeding, then top-dressing with Purple Cow is the safe, ecological way to add nutrients, organic matter and life to your soil.